Punks for Pussies

Success Stories

In October 2017, we rescued our first kitten, Gjeorgie, from a property in Downtown L.A. where someone was killing cats and where he had contracted FELV, the Feline Leukemia Virus. He became the first ward of the rescue and has outlived his life expectancy by years and today leads a beautiful, happy life. By October 2021, we had helped over 130 homeless, stray and lost cats and kittens, getting most into good homes. We have reuniting lost cats with their guardians. We have raised the money for several successful major surgeries including one for Oscar, a kitten who was rescued after being put in a bag and thrown into a dumpster with a dislocated hip and fracture pelvis, and Maestro Maestro Mzeizo, found on the verge of death by starvation with a diaphragmatic hernia which caused his intestines to move up to his lungs, causing difficulty in breathing. Criswell Criswella was a kitten found living by a dumpster dangerously close to a major Los Angeles highway. She was adopted by a successful musician who, years ago when he was homeless, slept behind that very same dumpster. Today, these felines are healthy, happy, well cared for, and very loved in good homes. In doing this work we've seen miracles take place for many cats and kittens and for the people who adopted them. With your help and support, we expect to see many more.